Face-2-Face classes on Saturdays: merged with the Saturday on-line class.

Pranayama workshop at Yogaspace on 11th August… completed…

New Age Injuries workshop

Anjani (and hemant) are attending a 6-day class in Mumbai - 9th to 14th march.

class taken By Prashantaji!!


Prashant in mumbai.jpg

International day of yoga:2017 - iyengar yoga community in singapore.


seniors class

Started 4th May 2017 through 22nd June 2017

First day of seniors class

First day of seniors class


Some of the past workshops

Pranayama Workshop: 19 March.

Birjoo's Class in Singapore: 15th Nov. '16, Tuesday.


neck and shoulder Sep. 2013

suryanamaskaar 2014

attended: Abhijata's Convention in KL May 2016

Workshops with Jawahar: 2010, 2015.

Asana with yogasutra 2014